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Koushani Chakrabarty

PhD at UB

Koushani Chakrabarty is currently a PhD student in Biomedical Sciences at University at Buffalo (UB). She was a Master’s student in the SAIR Lab, Computer Science and Engineering, University at Buffalo (UB). Her research interests include Spatial Deep Learning, Decentralized Swarm Reinforcement Learning, and scaling Deep Learning applications.


  • PhD student in Biomedical Science
    • University at Buffalo (UB), USA
    • 2024 Fall - Present
  • Master of Science in Computer Science and Engineering
    • University at Buffalo (UB), USA
    • 2022 Aug - 2024 May
  • Research Intern
    • Tata Institute of Fundamental Research, India
    • CERN, Geneva, Switzerland
    • March 2021 - March 2022
  • Master of Science in Electrical Engineering
    • University at Buffalo (UB), USA
    • 2019 spring - 2020 summer
  • Software Engineer
    • Tata Consultancy Services, India
    • 2015-2017
  • Bachelor of Engineering
    • West Bengal University of Technology, West Bengal India
    • 2011 - 2015

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